Dec 21, 2008

{Aubree & Eric.}

My brother Eric and his super cute wife Aubree, are expecting a baby boy in about 2 weeks. I couldn't be more excited for them! They are going to be amazing parents, and I don't think this baby will be short on love!

Thanks again for letting me take your photos! I am so glad we found time before this baby makes his big debut!!!

*be on the lookout for the photos of the new arrival!

Dec 10, 2008

{Lauren's bridals.}

Ok, does this girl NOT look like she should be in movies? Lauren, you look absolutely STUNNING! I had so much fun with you and Blake. You are a natural! I know I said I wouldn't work on these photo's till this weekend, but I couldn't help it. I was WAY too excited to see how they would turn out. Hope you like em because there are PLENTY more where these came from!

Dec 7, 2008

{crazy michelsen kids.}

So, there I was, doing my thing, trying to get a sweet smile mom will love. Out of NOWHERE this little one throws this at can imagine my reaction! I could NOT stop laughing. So much I'm surprised this photo is in focus!

Come to find out...the humor runs in the family!
I love it.The little one however was NOT happy about being there, so he wouldn't give me a rarrrrrr. :(
Melissa, I vote this one as the one you enlarge for your wall! Too fun.

Dec 2, 2008


It is seriously SO much fun that my hubby has so much family. There is NEVER a dull moment! This photo shoot was no exception! The little guy was SOOOO grumpy it honestly just cracked me up. It was like he was trying so hard to be grumpy. Good thing he is so dang cute he can pull it off! Hope you like your little peek guys! There are plenty more to come!

Nov 30, 2008


These two boys CRACK me up! They def make me want to have 2 boys in a's so cute how they are best friends! Thanks for letting me take your pix Michelle! (btw: Michelle is my sis in law!) I had a blast! Here is just a little peek at what's to come! Hope you like em!


We spent this thanksgiving with Jeremy's family this year. It was such a nice and relaxing day, and the food was AMAZING! Only 2 of Jeremy's siblings could make it this year, so there were only 2 cousins for Boston too play with until that evening when everyone came over. So, I couldn't help but snap a few photos while the kids played outside.

Happy Thanksgiving!

*Boston's cousins, Addi & Kaydrie

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I am located in Utah County.

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